Somerset NHS Charity - Group Photo
The Official Charity for the NHS in Somerset

Somerset NHS Charity

Making a difference for NHS patients across the county.

About Us
Yeovil Hospital Charity - Logo
The Official Charity for the NHS in Somerset

Family of charities

Somerset NHS Charity works with Love Musgrove and Yeovil Hospital Charity as a family of charities supporting Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.

Yeovil Hospital Charity
Love Musgrove - Logo
The Official Charity for the NHS in Somerset

Family of charities

Somerset NHS Charity works with Love Musgrove and Yeovil Hospital Charity as a family of charities supporting Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.

Love Musgrove

A Day in the Life of a District Nurse

Find out more about what a typical day looks like for a District nurse and how charitable funds can make a difference.

A Day in the Life of a District Nurse

Open Challenge: New Year in the Sahara

Welcome in the New Year by spending it under the stars of the desert sky! Start 2025 as you mean to go on as we trek through the Moroccan Sahara.

Open Challenge: New Year in the Sahara

Latest Events

25th Anniversary Appeal

Charitable funds at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust turned 25 at the beginning of this year and we've launched an Appeal to celebrate and raise funds for projects right across Somerset!

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Hospital Staff
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Useful Links

Spotlight On

Image of volunteers at charity event for Somerset NHS Charity

New Websites Launched

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